March 2024 is the 20th anniversary for the month- long fraud prevention initiative. It is important for businesses and individuals to recognize and be constantly protecting their information.
Gartner says “90% of information is still retained on paper”.
Many organizations are discovering first-hand that good environmental practices are go...
Photocopiers: A Threat to Security and Privacy?
A May 2010 CBS news story about a new generation of photocopy machines called “multi-function devices” (MFDs) has garnered atten...
How many of us consider cleaning out the garage a job to be put off as long as possible? There does come a time when the inevitable must be done and we acquiesce to the occasion. How many companies fe...
Business is wrapping up this year and many are thinking about what their records management will be for the upcoming year. If you're doing the same you might be interested in this article. It talk...
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed our lives considerably. Some of us are working from home, we are social distancing from our friends and neighbours, home-schooling our children, shopping on line, gro...
I-Sigma convention 2019 was held in Denver last week. This was the first year for the combination of NAID for shredding and PRISM for information management and governance. Don & Jane attended the...