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Finally, back to the office

Covid-19 has made a major impact on the way people do business.  Finally, after months of people working from home during the pandemic, many companies are bringing employees back to the office and workplace.


If you are in the process of bringing daily operations back into the office, you are probably putting a lot of thought into health and safety protocols and policies.  But have you considered the safety of important company data and information?  Keep in mind the government legislation for PIPEDA and GDPR.


Develop a shredding and destruction policy:

Set guidelines for what documentation needs to be kept and what needs to be destroyed.  Knight Archives can help with determining the destruction frequency and what type and number of consoles or bins will be required.


Define how employees can keep company information safe:

Employees coming back to the office may have clutter on their desks and in their files.  Schedule a purge day to encourage the secure destruction of all the information no longer needed. Call Knight Archives to supply extra bins for this special day.


Business data and information is too important to neglect:

According to Media Group, 68% of employees describe “the information contained in documents and files” (paper and digital) as the most important thing to their business. Consider storing that important information off-site in a secure record centre.  Knight Archives can set up a program for your needs.


Need storage or shredding services?

Knight Archives is your locally-owned leader for storage and shredding services.  Our team has worked with financial services, government agencies, health care facilities and more. For 15 years, we have been trusted to manage liability, risk and protect reputations for our clients.


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