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Protect your Identity – Win a Prepaid Visa Card!

National Privacy Day is January 28, 2020.  Data Privacy Day is an international effort to empower individuals and encourage businesses to respect privacy, safeguard data and enable trust.

In honour of this event Knight Archives invites everyone – businesses and individuals to enter their name for a chance to win a $200 Visa PREPAID CARD! PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY

When:  January 27 – 31 + February 3 – 9 – 9am-3:30pm

Drop off your shredding at Knight Archives shredding facility – 4264 Bartlett Road Beamsville.

Shredding will be done in the same secure manner our clients have come to trust.  Pricing has been held at LAST DECADE pricing!

Enter your name into the draw to win a $200 VISA PREPAID CARD!  Draw will be on Monday February 10, 2020.

Have you ever done a purge?  The new privacy laws such as the GDPR have taught us that it is as important to keep your documents, as it is to shred your documents.  It is important to know what records you have.   Start this new decade 2020 off right.

Now is the time to implement a “document strategy”. Knight Archives is here to help.

One aspect of “document Strategy” is purge shredding. This is something that every business and organization should implement. It is usually a once a year event when large volumes of paper documents are shredded and destroyed. These purges don’t usually occur on a regular basis, but typically take place when there are dozens of pounds worth of paper to shred and it is not feasible to shred it on your own.

Every company needs to purge – especially if:

1.Year end or quarterly archive activities uncover documents that are past their retention date.

2. Your company or organization moves to a new location with less space to store the information.

3. A merger or acquisition makes those documents or information obsolete.

Typically, purge shredding is always difficult to execute using a small office shredder. Hiring a professional shredding company may appear like it costs more than doing the shredding yourself, but will definitely be more efficient with your time, saving you hours of what often ends in frustration. Professional shredding services are equipped with industrial strength shredders that can handle enormous volumes of paper.

There are several reasons why purge shredding is so important:

  1. It helps your company remain compliant.

Your organization could be violating privacy laws by either holding on to documents or simply throwing them in the trash. Currently there are federal and provincial laws in place to govern how confidential information is collected, stored and destroyed. It is necessary to know the applicable regulations at local, regional and federal levels to make sure you comply. Purge shredding can help eliminate any risk of penalties or fines for not remaining compliant.

2. It helps reduce human error.

A one-time clean-out helps eliminate erroneous mistakes and errors with paperwork. A workplace that is cluttered and untidy is not efficient. Paper clutter is very distracting to employees and can cost them to make errors that they may not have made otherwise. A recent statistic states that employee actions/mistakes account for 32% of data breach incidents.

3. It provides immediate proof of proper destruction.

When you decide to hire a professional service provider for purge shredding, they will issue an official Certificate of Destruction. This certificate confirms that your materials have been destroyed safely and according to the privacy laws, such as PIPEDA and GDPR.

4. It offers secure document management.

There are documents that should never be left in easy-accessible office areas because they contain personally identifiable information. It is wise to create an official document management process within your organization. By having a process which oversees the workflow, storage requirements and data retention within your company, you can prevent documents from being mishandled or lost.

Usually a one-time purge can help you significantly declutter and organize your office space. It is important to do this so your company can run more efficiently, but the other reason to do it is to avoid the risk of theft. If there are documents that hold sensitive or confidential information that are just lying around in the open, it is possible they could get into the wrong hands. Identity theft and data breaches could end up costing your company thousands of dollars in legal fees, fines or penalties.

It is crucial to find the right purge shredding service for your needs. Your important documents should be trusted to a reputable, trustworthy service with years of success in the industry. Knight Archives has spent years providing safe, secure shredding and destruction to hundreds of loyal customers.

Learn more from the Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada at 

Shred with Knight Archives today.


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