Have you ever compared the cost of having your staff shred to the cost of outsourcing? The answer may surprise you.
In-house shredding is slow, messy and uses up valuable employee time. An office with just a few employees can generate over 100 pounds of paper per month. Even a “paper-lite” office produces paper to be shredded! An in-house employee would need more than 10 hours to shred that amount of paper. What is their time worth to your company?
Compare $140.00 of employee time to a regular shredding service at less than $50.00 per month. The saving to your company is measurable, add to that the security benefits and the gain only gets better. Remember that the vast majority of identity theft takes place by your employees, quite often inadvertently.
Knight Archives is a local, privately owned company that has been trusted by companies for over 10 years to securely dispose of their confidential information. Call us to start saving.