Shredding is the recommended method for document destruction. Knight Archives offers several options to help you help your securely destroy your information. Your requirements depend on the type of work you do and the number of documents you produce each month that require destruction. Even if you are not in a highly regulated industry, you should not “throw away” information. It is important to keep your organization’s information secure for the sake of your customers, suppliers and employees. Identity theft and data breaches are at an all-time high.
Knight Archives provides several level of services. To help decide which level is best for you, here are some questions to ask.
*Are the documents you produce sensitive?
*How many boxes do you produce each month?
*Do you have boxes that should be destroyed but have not been?
*If you do shredding “in house”, how many hours are spent by staff doing that?
*Do you really want staff to have access to what they are shredding?
Levels of service offered by Knight Archives:
*Regularly Scheduled: free console/consoles are left on your premise and emptied every week or month, depending on your requirements
*One-time or Occasional Purging: Scheduling a pick-up by our trained staff at your convenience
*Residential or EZE: drop you boxes off at our facility into a locked bin, during our office hours and let us do the rest.
The advantage to using our consoles or bins saves you time and money.
*You will save staff hours, no need to remove stapes or paper clips
*Knight Archives industrial shredders thoroughly shred your documents
*Our employees are trained and insured for confidentiality
*We ship the shredded paper to a recycler who transforms it into brown paper products.
*Using our shredding service saves trees and aides the environment.
Contact us at Knight Archives to discuss the best level of service for you.
905-563-0847 or